Isn't it strange that we celebrate Christmas  even though we have no biblical reason for doing so? At the same time, we totally ignore the different feasts that are in the bible. For those of us who cry "Sola Scriptura,"* this is a strange inconsistency. A few years ago I had sent out emails to alert some christians on the topic of christmas,  asking them to audit their beliefs - to see if indeed christmas was a 'christian festival'. One lady replied & asked me to stop sending emails to her on this topic saying 'as long as my pastor & church celebrates it, so will I '

Here are some of the reasons why Christians are led astray into believing that this festival is 'christian'

1) As mentoned above, many christians have a strong trust in their leaders . Naturally, due honor & respect should be given to his decisions. If the leader of a congregation observes this festival, the flock will not see any reason to audit what they believe . A church leader must have gone through bible college to qualify for his post - surely they must have studied this subject already?

 2) Everyone else in their church celebrates it. The church down the street celebrates it, plus most of the  churches in Singapore are also into it. The masses believe in it and have done so for hundreds of years. This is a logical fallacy called argumentum ad numerum

Argumentum ad numerum asserts that the more people who support or believe a proposition, the more likely it is that that proposition should be true. However, just as something true does not become untrue if no one believes in it, something that is not true will not become true if more people believed in it. Truth cannot be attained through the consensus of the majority. The Earth was never flat even if the whole world believed so.  

3) An open lie.  One of the methods that our adversary  has been using successfully against the Gospel  is this: Tell a lie long enough until people begin to accept it as truth. This is how false religions of the world have been  propagated, and this is how the vast majority of Christians  believe that christmas is a christian festival. Remember, that our adversary has been ' a liar from the beginning ' ( John 8:44) . Many have fallen into his subtle trap (like I was before) and  do not see a need to audit themselves- to verify through Sola Scriputa if this is indeed a christian festival.

As a born again christian, I have studied  this  festival of christmas over a few years . My conclusion is that christmas has  absolutely NO biblical support. This event is a tradition created by men of different parties each with their own purpose. There is also absolutely NO GAIN for christians who observe  this festival.

I am not alone in declaring that christmas is not a christian festival. There is a growing number of  christians who have stopped celebrating christmas as they have discovered what it really is . Perhaps this is a good time for you to examine this festival yourself. There is a large amount of resource on this site by way of  articles, videos and books  if you are keen to explore this subject. They are penned not only by church going lay christians but by pastors, elders & ministry leaders etc. I hope that you study  this subject with an open mind and obtain the benefits of not celebrating christmas as my family an I have.  .

Christ was NEVER in christmas
One other thing: there has been a clarion call from christian circles  to 'put christ back into christmas'. If you are a Christian reading this, I believe you know the reason for this outcry. However, the truth is, you cant put christ back into christmas, because He was NEVER there in the first place. The proper cry should be to REMOVE  christ from christmas.  

If  you get caught up in the meanigless, stressful  festivities that engulf the festival of christmas,  don't blame the Lord Jesus Christ for creating all this mess. Money, not Jesus, is "the reason for the season." Daryl R. Coats, Soldiers In Training, Taylorsville, MS, Fall 2003

"This time of the year is always referred to as the christmas rush - how ironic when the lyrics from music at all malls herald this event to be one of joy and peace ..."

*Sola scriptura* means that Scripture alone is authoritative for the faith and practice of the Christian.

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